Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I haven't blogged in a very long time... so here we go.

The last time I blogged was the day before school started. I was in a rough spot... I was kind of depressed about not having a job and I didn't know what I was going to do to keep busy. Somehow the last three weeks have flown. Here we are, at the end of September, I haven't accomplished anything of note, yet, I am not bored out of my mind. I have subbed a few days... I clean and sort and sort some more... I am finally knitting a sock. I tried before, be because of the seemingly foreign language on the pattern I gave up when the piece I was working on no longer looked like any part of a sock I had ever seen. This time however... I consider my efforts a success. The sock is almost done... I will add a photo of the completed project.

This morning I was taking a shower and thinking about life. I always seem to think very logically, clearly, and stresslessly while I am taking a shower. Maybe it is like a physical metaphor or something. My life isn't so bad... I don't have to do anything and I can do whatever I want. Things are looking especially bright this week because I am spending the latter part of the week with many friends when I return to my Alma mater for homecoming.

I think the biggest downer in what looks like (notice the "what looks like", I really feel very deep in responsibility and low on the quality free time) a low responsibility, high free-time life I'm living is that I'm lonely. I am never alone, which adds to the problem, yet I feel friendless. I know that in a big way this is my own fault. I should make friends, or at the very least call up some of the local friends I do have and make plans... I am lazy, and shy, and I have this deep fear of getting in the way or disturbing people. I am up for anything... but I initiate very little.

Maybe I should use Autumn, the greatest of the seasons, as an inspiration to make my life the way I want it to be. I should... that doesn't mean I will.

Today is my dad's birthday. He is 67 and the man is nuts! He had a bunch of his buddies over for dinner. He cooks, so there is little prep work involved for me, except that I do the cleaning. The nuts part comes in when I think about how crazy he makes himself. He is a retired farmer and he had six of his farmer friends over. These people appreciate a good meal and are easy to please, so how many dishes did my father prepare for this meal? SEVEN! I love him, but in the kitchen, the man is nuts. He just doesn't quit. And he makes a big mess in the process. I tried to be really nice because it is his birthday, so I mostly went along with what he wanted. The older he gets, the more kitchen crazy he becomes... I hope we don't have Thanksgiving or Christmas this year... Thanks to my aunt all the clean-up is done.... dramatic catastrophe averted.

I am so excited that fall is here. I love it! The leaves, the weather, the clothing; it's all fabulous.

Tonight my sister and I are planning to have a small bonfire... there is something fabulous about sitting around a fire in the fall of the year. I got to this weekend and I realized that's something I want to do more of. We hope the rain doesn't ruin our plan.

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