Saturday, December 4, 2010


In connection with my last post, here is my address of the spellcheck not recognizing Jesus's as a word.

The fact is that some say you can show possession with Jesus by simply adding an apostrophe to the end (Jesus'), the issue I have with that is that there is only one Jesus. I'm not actually a believer in the power of spellcheck, I use it to catch mistakes, but I do not rely on it to catch all my mistakes. I know it doesn't catch them all and in this case it is flat out wrong.

We have options when it comes to language and spelling. That's part of what makes it all so confusing. You can show possession by adding only an apostrophe to a person's name that ends in an S. But that violates the rules. The rules say apostrophe before S if the noun is singular. You can spell cancelled with two Ls, like that, or with one, canceled. Tomatoes, potatoes, and tornadoes have an E before the S. Who decided tomatoes and potatoes need that E, but tornados doesn't.

This is turning into a random rant, but here's the final note... Who decided it is necessary to add an 's to make something plural, and how did that idea get spread around? We see it all the time and it is so very wrong. Please, don't ever do it.

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