Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oops I did it again

Here I go, about to ramble on about how I was going to blog but didn't. Actually don't would be more accurate. I would be interested to see if there is some kind of genetic thing attached to not taking initiative and finishing things or keeping up with things. I would be interested in a medication that would fix this problem.

I am so good at starting projects... knitting, crafting, cleaning, organizing, even reading books and terrible at finishing them. There has to be something that can help with that.

Every summer I make a long list of projects to do and books to read... I usually accomplish a big fat zero of the things on the list. What the heck is my problem? Will I ever overcome it. I certainly hope so.

Are there really not enough hours in the day? No, I am just really good at wasting time. Giving up television would change my life. I am seriously thinking about a No TV month and recording my progress in life's long list of things to do.

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