Monday, March 16, 2009

Stuck... again.

Life seems to be a perpetual rut. It's not a bad rut... I don't mind it so much. I just wish I could make a decision.

There are too many viable, or perhaps good options. I need a job. Something with some benefits, more stable than subbing, but I'm not sure that a 8-4 type everyday schedule is really the right fit for me. I often wonder what I'm sticking around for... nothing great has happened... but at the same time, I have a pretty good small town life. I don't really have any reason to leave. I could say my reasons to stay are more plentiful, but I can't make up my mind.

I think I am waiting for God to show me what he wants for me... but I constantly question what that is, or if he is telling me and I am missing it.

Perhaps I will make a pro and con list, but even that involves too many decisions. Pros and cons of which option?! When am I going to be able to just decide something? I really wish I had a reason to make my decision with someone else... but I don't. I have other people to think about, but ultimately I have only myself to please and I have to rely on my own interpretation of God's plan to figure out where I am supposed to be.

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