Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am spending an entire day at home. This is a rare and wonderful treat. So, how should one use this valuable time: clean, organize, put laundry away, make invitations for her father's surprise birthday party, get a jump on work?

Yep, you guessed it... I'm putting pictures on Facebook. That is the #1 thing on my list, right before 'make cards.' Prioritizing is important.

While I wait for the photos to load, I thought I would blog. Not on the list, but I'm going to add it, just so I get to cross it off : )

I feel like we all spend a lot of time waiting. I wait for days when I get to do things at home, waiting is a valuable like skill. The top "wait" in life seems to be figuring out what to do with it. I'm waiting for God to show me my path... actually, I'm fairly certain I'm on that path, just waiting for what comes next.

I'm inspired by the people who use their wait time efficiently. I have become one of those people who always has a book with her, and I want to start carrying projects (i.e. dish cloth to knit, towel to embroider) so that I'm not wasting any time. But, the truth is, that those quiet times when not much is going on, are some of the best times. I need to get better at enjoying those times. I keep telling myself, I don't have to be doing something, I can just enjoy the company of whoever I'm with, and God's amazing creation.

Now, I'm waiting for the photos to load and wondering... is Facebook one of God's wonderful creations? I like to think so.

I should probably use the load time to do some of those other things on the list. Today is going to be a day of enjoyment on my way to task accomplishment... why wait?